Monday, 27 May 2013 Warns Of Property Investment Scams

Property scams have been going on for generations. Whenever there is a rise is housing prices, scam artists come out of the woodwork to take advantage of people. We don't want you to become the victim of a scam. Heck, that's why was launched in the first place!

This is why we pay attention to new real estate scams and keep you informed - so you can make sure you don't become a scam victim. Recently we've heard of a new scam that has gotten a ton of people ripped off, and wanted to warn you about it.

This scam tries to convince you to buy into a bundle of real estate in order to make a high return on your investment. They tell you that the real estate has been bundled together as a new type of security, and that as the value of the combined properties grows, you will be able to get dividends from them.

The scam artists claim that with rising housing prices, you can make as much as 30 percent interest on your investment. Of course, this is always a scam. Real estate is never bundled as an investment. And beyond that, no investment can promise such a high rate of return.

What it is, is the old Ponzi scheme scam. There is no real estate at all. In fact, old investors are simply paid off by the proceeds of new investors. Of course, eventually the scam artist will run out of new investors. That's when the scam falls apart, and nobody but the scam artist makes any money on the deal.

So if someone tries to get you to buy in a bundle of real estate as an investment, know that it is a scam and walk as far away from the deal as you can.

Thursday, 23 May 2013 Condemns Ripoff Artists Taking Advantage Of Hurricane Sandy Victims

At, we exist to help people avoid ripoff artists. That's why we are so angered to learn that many people along the East Coast have become ripoff victims in the wake of last year's Hurricane Sandy.

These people don't deserve to be targeted by ripoff operations. They lost their homes, or had their homes seriously damaged. They are going through hard times and now that it's warm, they are trying to rebuild their homes from scratch. That ripoff artists have moved in to take advantage of them is truly sickening.

We've heard reports of all kinds of ripoffs. Some contractors have doubled or even tripled the amount they charge for repair work. That's a ripoff! Some insurance companies are refusing to pay for storm damage. That's a ripoff! There are businesses that have upped their prices on building materials. That's a ripoff! We've even heard complaints that some people claim to be  property inspectors from the government who need to be paid a fee to inspect the home - yet another ripoff.

This is disgusting. You don't rip off people who have gone through hard times. We hope all these ripoff artists go to jail.

We also pray that they don't now move to Oklahoma and start to target the victims of the massive tornado this week. That's another case of people who have gone through hard times through no fault of their own. They deserve kindness and support. They don't deserve to become ripoff victims.

There will always be ripoff artists who try to profit from tragedy. We don't know how they sleep at night, and hope that karma comes back and bites them in the ass.

In the meantime, we hope law enforcement will be on the lookout for ripoff schemes, and haul these ripoff artists into jail when they are caught.


Saturday, 18 May 2013

What To Review Before Buying A Home

Buying a home is a complex process. You can't rush it. Instead, you need to take your time and review the information at your disposal every step of the way. Otherwise, you could end up paying more for a home than you can afford - or get stuck with a money pit.

Here is the guide to what to review during the home buying process.

Review Tip #1 – Check your credit report. If there are any black marks or errors, you need to fix them so you can get a good rate.

Review Tip #2 – Figure out what you spend in a given month versus what your paycheck is. Then figure out how much you can really spend each month on the mortgage.

Review Tip #3 – Go to your bank and find out how much they will pre-approve you for on a mortgage. That way you know what you can afford when you are home shopping.

Review Tip #4 – Find a reliable real estate agent. Get one that has been in business a while and check their references.

Review Tip #5 – Use to get the details on every home you are interested in, and review the information carefully.

Review Tip #6 – Hire your own home inspector, not one suggested by your real estate agent.

Review Tip #7 - Hire an independent contractor to check out the roof, air conditioning and heating systems in the home.

Review Tip #8 – Hire a pest control expert to check for infestations.

Review Tip #9 – Check your mortgage details. Make sure it isn't an adjustable rate mortgage that will go sky high in a few months.

Review Tip #10 – Have your lawyer go through all documents and contracts to make sure that they are fair and legal. Reviews
If you follow all of these review tips you should have a smooth, hassle-free home buying experience. Read reviews on to see what others have to say! 

Thursday, 9 May 2013 Identifies Top Three Renter Complaints

When you rent an apartment to someone, the last thing you want to get from them is a complaint. Instead, you just want them to pay their rent on time and give you as little hassle as possible. understands that, and also knows that the best way to avoid a complaint is to minimize the chances of it happening in the first place. With that in mind, we wanted to talk about the top three things that lead renters to file a complaint and what you can do to avoid them.

Renter Complaint #1 – Bad smells. This is a very common complaint, and is usually the result of the neighbors. More often than not the tenants will file a complaint if they can smell the litter box or cigarette smoke from the people who live on the same floor as them. Having a no-pets and no-smoking policy in the building will eliminate this type of complaint, and allow you to evict the smelly people next door.

Renter Complaint #2 – Noisy neighbors. Nobody wants to live next door to people who have loud sex or blast music every night. People have a right to sleep. What you can do in this situation is talk to the neighbors yourself. If they don't quiet down, then you can file a complaint in court against them yourself and then let the police get them to quiet down.

Renter Complaint #3 – Temperature. If someone's apartment is too hot or too cold, you will get a complaint about it. To avoid getting a complaint in the winter, install new insulated windows, which will keep the apartment warmer. To avoid getting a complaint in the summer, install up to date air conditioners or, if you own the entire building, central air.

It doesn't take that much effort to avoid these top three renter complaints. And it's far easier to be a landlord who just collects rent than to have a renter hand you a complaint you have to resolve. So, put these ideas into place and you may never see a complaint again.

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