Thursday, 23 May 2013 Condemns Ripoff Artists Taking Advantage Of Hurricane Sandy Victims

At, we exist to help people avoid ripoff artists. That's why we are so angered to learn that many people along the East Coast have become ripoff victims in the wake of last year's Hurricane Sandy.

These people don't deserve to be targeted by ripoff operations. They lost their homes, or had their homes seriously damaged. They are going through hard times and now that it's warm, they are trying to rebuild their homes from scratch. That ripoff artists have moved in to take advantage of them is truly sickening.

We've heard reports of all kinds of ripoffs. Some contractors have doubled or even tripled the amount they charge for repair work. That's a ripoff! Some insurance companies are refusing to pay for storm damage. That's a ripoff! There are businesses that have upped their prices on building materials. That's a ripoff! We've even heard complaints that some people claim to be  property inspectors from the government who need to be paid a fee to inspect the home - yet another ripoff.

This is disgusting. You don't rip off people who have gone through hard times. We hope all these ripoff artists go to jail.

We also pray that they don't now move to Oklahoma and start to target the victims of the massive tornado this week. That's another case of people who have gone through hard times through no fault of their own. They deserve kindness and support. They don't deserve to become ripoff victims.

There will always be ripoff artists who try to profit from tragedy. We don't know how they sleep at night, and hope that karma comes back and bites them in the ass.

In the meantime, we hope law enforcement will be on the lookout for ripoff schemes, and haul these ripoff artists into jail when they are caught.


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