Monday, 30 December 2013 Review Of Hobbit 2 – Tolkien Boogaloo

It's the end of the year, and everyone is in the holiday mood – even those of us at That's why instead of doing a normal blog about real estate, we thought we'd have fun this week and use the blog to talk about something interesting – namely the new Hobbit movie Peter Jackson released this week. So without further ado, here is the review of The Hobbit – The Desolation Of Smaug.

We went to this movie with high hopes and thought that we would end up giving it a good review. Unfortunately, we can't. Our review is about as cheerful as clouds around Mount Doom.

It's sad really, because The Hobbit could have been turned into a good film that people would want to review again and again. Instead it's a long boring slog through material that many people couldn't care about.

The main problem is that they should never have tried to make this story into three movies. The Lord Of The Rings films were based on three books, so it made sense to turn them into a trilogy – and one that we'd be happy to give a good review to.

The Hobbit, on the other hand, is one short book. Breaking it into three movies would seem to be impossible. So, what they did was add material from other Tolkien books that have little to do with the story itself. This leads to three long, drawn-out, boring movies rather than one interesting one.

So, sadly, the review of the new Hobbit film is negative.

Hopefully, Hollywood will do better when the fourth Narnia film – The Silver Chair – comes out next year.

About provides property reports and other valuable information to home owners, buyers and sellers across North America. With an extensive database of public records, consumers are able to look up the value, history and residential details on a home or property with a simple search. Visit to chat with a live representative, call 1-855-482-6221, or email with any questions or concerns.

We want to hear from you. Contact us today! 

Thursday, 5 December 2013 Legit Tips For Buying A Home understands that buying a home is a stressful time. You are about to make the biggest investment of your life. That's why you came to in the first place. And we are glad to help you with our detailed public records.

But, we'd like to go a bit further and offer you some legit tips to consider when you are ready to enter the real estate market. So here are the Legit Tips To Buying A Home:

  • Legit Tip #1: Go to a real estate broker who has an established reputation. New or unseasoned real estate brokers can make mistakes and steer you in the wrong direction.
  • Legit Tip #2: Get a pre-approved mortgage from your bank before you go house hunting. This way you'll know how much you can spend, and if you find a good deal you'll be able to make an offer quickly and not get beaten to the punch by another buyer.
  • Legit Tip #3: Hire your own home inspector – not one suggested by your real estate agent or the seller.
  • Legit Tip #4: Also, hire a contractor to take a look at the home to see if he or she can find any problems your home inspector might have missed.
  • Legit Tip #5: Make sure there are no liens on the home. They would become your responsibility at closing.
  • Legit Tip #6: Find out if there are any code violations filed against the home – so you'll know if there is anything you'll need to pay to fix.
  • Legit Tip # 7: Talk to the neighbors and make sure there aren't any problems with the neighborhood. Better to find out about a resident sex offender now than after you've moved in.

About provides property reports and other valuable information to home owners, buyers and sellers across North America. With an extensive database of public records, consumers are able to look up the value, history and residential details on a home or property with a simple search. Visit to chat with a live representative, call 1-855-482-6221, or email with any questions or concerns.

We want to hear from you. Contact us today! 

Saturday, 16 November 2013 Excited About The Idea Of Real Estate On The Moon! is always excited about new real estate ideas. The more real estate there is, the more records we can have and the more can help our customers. That's why is excited about an entrepreneur's idea for creating new real estate.

Hotel billionaire Robert Bigelow wants to get rights to own tracts of land on the moon. Why would he do that? It's simple - one of his companies is manufacturing inflatable habitats that would allow people to live there.

He figures that given the chance, people would love to take vacations to the moon - and that he could sell them the habitats if he had the rights to the land on the moon. And he says he's willing to help fund NASA if he gets those rights. thinks this is great idea! Imagine having your own time share or condo in outer space! You could have awesome vacations and amazing parties for your friends. Plus, it would be the first time in millions of years that new real estate is available for people.

We really hope that NASA is willing to work with him. Right now, the entire real estate of the moon is up for grabs. Why not sell some of it to someone who is able to find a use for it? It would be a great way to fund the space agency while also offering people a chance to have fun.


Customer service website was created to serve the needs of public records clients across North America. With thousands of requests processed each day, continues to grow as a reputable customer service resource. Visit to chat with a live representative, call 1-855-482-6221, or email manager (at)PropertyRecord(dot)com with any questions or concerns.

We want to hear from you! Contact us today! 

Friday, 8 November 2013 Wonders If Mac And Cheese Will Ever Be The Same

Nothing says home cooking like a nice plate of mac and cheese. At, we grew up on Kraft mac and cheese, and know many of you did as well. It brings back memories of when we first moved into a new home with our parents and sat down for lunch. That's why we at are concerned that for the first time in decades, Kraft is changing their boxed mac and cheese. Will our childhood memories be destroyed?

What Kraft is doing is getting rid of the yellow dye that has for years been the trademark of their mac and cheese. That's bad enough – we like our yellow cheese. But they also say they are going to replace the dye with spices, including paprika!

Honestly, paprika in our mac and cheese? We are not even sure if that is American! Some things should never change! Can't Congress intervene?

In an even more shocking move, it has also been reported that they may remove the dyes from M&Ms candy. What kind of world would we be living in with white, paprika-filled mac and cheese and natural brown M&Ms?!

It just seems wrong to us – and we think it should feel wrong to you. These are the colors of our childhood! What will they do next – change the way Coke or McDonald's french fries taste?

The thought is too horrible for us at to even think about.

About provides property reports and other valuable information to home owners, buyers and sellers across North America. With an extensive database of public records, consumers are able to look up the value, history and residential details on a home or property with a simple search. Visit to chat with a live representative, call 1-855-482-6221, or email with any questions or concerns.

We want to hear from you. Contact us today! 

Friday, 18 October 2013 Thinks The Public Has The Right To Review The Jon Benet Ramsey Indictment exists to provide you with the information about real estate you need to review. But that doesn't mean we at don't follow the news or have our own opinions. That's why we want to use the blog today to say that we think the public has the right to review the hidden Jon Benet Ramsey indictment.

For those of you who have not reviewed the background of the case, Jon Benet was a little girl who was beaten and strangled to death in her home on Christmas, 1996. No one has ever been formerly charged with her murder.

But now it turns out that the grand jury that did a review of the evidence in the case decided to indict both of Jon Benet's parents for her murder. The district attorney at the time chose to not sign the indictment, and instead hid it.

This should not be. The public has every right to review the evidence of the case and decide for themselves if the Ramseys should have been brought to trial. Just because you are wealthy does not mean that you shouldn't have to defend yourself against criminal accusations.

If it turns out after a review that there is not enough evidence to prosecute, then fine. But until we can review the documents, we will always wonder if the prosecutor simply chickened out on doing a very public trial he was not sure he could win.

About provides property reports and other valuable information to home owners, buyers and sellers across North America. With an extensive database of public records, consumers are able to look up the value, history and residential details on a home or property with a simple search. Visit to chat with a live representative, call 1-855-482-6221, or email with any questions or concerns.

We want to hear from you. Contact us today!

Friday, 11 October 2013 Guide To What To Review Before Choosing A Tenant

Over the past few years, many people have bought real estate as investment property. They've done so because they did a review of the market and realized that prices were low, and they could make a good deal of money renting the homes to people who can't get a mortgage. believes those people showed good judgment and made sound investments.

But we at also know that simply doing a review of the market is not enough to make sure you profit from your investment. You also need to review the people you are going to rent to, and that's why we've created the guide to what to review before you rent out your valuable investment real estate.

Review Point 1 – Contact the person's previous landlord and find out their experience with the person.

Review Point 2 – Do a credit check, and review it carefully to make sure they don't have a ton of debt.

Review Point 3 – Go to the police station and ask if they have any criminal records of the person you can review. You don't want to end up renting to a drug dealer or sex offender.

Review Point 4 – Check their references and make sure they have good things to say about them.

Review Point 5 – Stop in the place they claim to work at, and make sure they really have a job.

Going through these five review points will make it much less likely that you will end up with a bad tenant, and much more likely that you'll make money on your investment.


Customer service website was created to serve the needs of public records clients across North America. With thousands of requests processed each day, continues to grow as a reputable customer service resource. Visit to chat with a live representative, call (Insert Phone Number), or email with any questions or concerns.

At, we want to hear from you! 

Friday, 26 July 2013 Guide to Not Breaking The Law When Selling Your Home

Selling your home can be a stressful experience, and understands. Many customers come to us for advice on how to sell their home. What they don't realize is that it's fairly easy to break the law as a home seller, particularly if you don't use a real estate agent. So, wants to give you some advice to help you stay out of legal trouble. We don't want customers to end up in jail!

The easiest way to get in trouble with the law is if you get multiple offers on your property, and all of the offers are roughly in the same price range. You may simply want to sell to the buyer you like the most. But, be careful because the law is very strong on this.

If you accept a lower offer from someone you like and the person who made a higher offer, even if just by a penny, is a member of a protected class, you will have violated federal discrimination laws and you will go to jail.

And the number of protected classes are endless. They include pregnant women; people with children; gays, lesbians and bisexuals, transsexuals; anyone of any race other than your own; unmarried couples; and people of a religion that is different than your own. In other words, if they are not exactly like you and you refuse to sell to them, you could be breaking the law.

The second-most common way to break the law is by not providing to the home buyer all the documents you have related to the home. It doesn't matter if you think the paperwork is for a minor issue; if you don't disclose it and the buyer finds out eventually, you could go to jail for fraud. Don't let that happen to you.

If you can avoid these two very common situations, you should have no legal problems when you sell your home. 

About provides property reports and other valuable information to home owners, buyers and sellers across North America.  With an extensive database of public records, consumers are able to look up the value, history and residential details on a home or property with a simple search. Visit to chat with a live representative, call 1-855-482-6221, or email with any questions or concerns.

Wednesday, 26 June 2013 Tips on What to Ask a Home Seller

Buying a new home isn't just about looking up public information on You also have to do your own research. The staff at understands this process, and we have helped people go through it many times.

One of the main things we've noticed that can help customers make the right decision about a home is asking the right questions of the current homeowner. So, we figured we'd share some questions that customers should always ask anyone selling a home.

1.    Why are you selling the home? Ask yourself if their answers make sense, or if they are trying to just escape a money pit.
2.    What is your experience with the local school system? A bad school system lowers property values.
3.    How much do you spend each year to keep the home running? This is very important.
4.    Are you friendly with the neighbors? If they are not, then the neighbors may be huge problems.
5.    When was the last time you renovated the home? If it's been years, there could be problems.
6.    What is the ground water like? You don't want to have to deal with hard water.
7.    When was the last time the insulation was changed? If it was back in the '70s, there may be problems with asbestos.
8.    When was the last time pest control service was brought in? This is so you know if there are bug problems.
9.    Can I see the property inspector report? You want to make sure it's up to code.
10. Are you willing to do any repairs before closing? Make them pay for it – not you.
About provides property reports and other valuable information to home owners, buyers and sellers across North America. With an extensive database of public records, consumers are able to look up the value, history and residential details on a home or property with a simple search. Visit to chat with a live representative, call 1-855-482-6221, or email with any questions or concerns.

Saturday, 22 June 2013 Psyched That Microsoft Changed Course On Xbox One

Let us let you in on a little secret about how things work here at In our break room, we have an Xbox 360 and when we have some downtime, the staff is very competitive with each other on it – particularly with Call Of Duty. So, we were looking forward to Microsoft's announcement of the Xbox One next generation gaming console.

But when we heard about some of the limitations on it, we were disgusted – as was much of the gaming community - and had decided not to buy one. This is why we were delighted this morning at to learn that Microsoft has listened to the people and gotten rid of the “features” that angered the gaming community.

The first feature that upset people was the fact that to use the Xbox One, you were going to need an always-on Internet connection. We know at from dealing with our customers that many people in rural areas have spotty Internet. That would have meant that for large parts of the day, they would not have been able to use their expensive game consoles. Now, Microsoft has said that they are redesigning the game so that you don't need the Internet at all to use it.

The second feature that upset people was that Microsoft was going to use technology to make it impossible to share games with your friends, sell the games you bought, or buy used games. Let's face it; not everyone can afford new games. And one of the ways you can discover great games is by trying one title in the series used ,and if you like it, buying new versions of other titles in the series. This is how we discovered Assassin’s Creed.

Beyond that, this feature would have put many mom-and-pop used game businesses out of business. Now Microsoft has said that they will remove the DRM so that you will be able to buy and sell used games and share them with your friends.

This shows that Microsoft, like, listens to its customers. And it's let us know we'll have an Xbox One in our break room later this year. provides property reports and other valuable information to home owners, buyers and sellers across North America. With an extensive database of public records, consumers are able to look up the value, history and residential details on a home or property with a simple search. Visit to chat with a live representative, call 1-855-482-6221, or email with any questions or concerns.

Monday, 3 June 2013

Why The Records At Are Legit

Buying a home can be a stressful experience. You want to make sure you are getting a legitimate deal on the home and not getting ripped off. understands that this could be the main reason why you chose to come to our site and considered buying public real estate records from us. With that being said, you may also be asking yourself how you can be certain that our reports are legit.

It's a fair question, because most people don't know the laws governing public real estate records. They think that they may be private, and if so, that it will be unlikely for us to have legit access to these records.

So what's the truth? Our records are not only legit, but we also have a legitimate reason to have access to them. You see, the government has decided that it is in the public interest for these records to be available to the public. But they also understand that it can be hard for the public to get at them themselves, because they'd have to contact dozens of government agencies.

Therefore, to give you access to these public records on a larger scale, they make them available to companies like us that want to give you a legit way to get at them.

The reason that the government wants you to have access to legit public records is simple! You paid for the records to be created in the first place! Think about it – it's your tax dollars that pay the salaries of the people who create the records. It pays for their computers, their paper, and even the chairs they sit on. That means you own the records, because you've paid for them. Therefore, you have a legit right to the records.

That's how can give you legitimate property records all the time. If they are public records, then it's totally legit to want to review them. And we will always make sure you can so that you get a legit real estate deal. Read what others are saying about our services today!

Monday, 27 May 2013 Warns Of Property Investment Scams

Property scams have been going on for generations. Whenever there is a rise is housing prices, scam artists come out of the woodwork to take advantage of people. We don't want you to become the victim of a scam. Heck, that's why was launched in the first place!

This is why we pay attention to new real estate scams and keep you informed - so you can make sure you don't become a scam victim. Recently we've heard of a new scam that has gotten a ton of people ripped off, and wanted to warn you about it.

This scam tries to convince you to buy into a bundle of real estate in order to make a high return on your investment. They tell you that the real estate has been bundled together as a new type of security, and that as the value of the combined properties grows, you will be able to get dividends from them.

The scam artists claim that with rising housing prices, you can make as much as 30 percent interest on your investment. Of course, this is always a scam. Real estate is never bundled as an investment. And beyond that, no investment can promise such a high rate of return.

What it is, is the old Ponzi scheme scam. There is no real estate at all. In fact, old investors are simply paid off by the proceeds of new investors. Of course, eventually the scam artist will run out of new investors. That's when the scam falls apart, and nobody but the scam artist makes any money on the deal.

So if someone tries to get you to buy in a bundle of real estate as an investment, know that it is a scam and walk as far away from the deal as you can.

Thursday, 23 May 2013 Condemns Ripoff Artists Taking Advantage Of Hurricane Sandy Victims

At, we exist to help people avoid ripoff artists. That's why we are so angered to learn that many people along the East Coast have become ripoff victims in the wake of last year's Hurricane Sandy.

These people don't deserve to be targeted by ripoff operations. They lost their homes, or had their homes seriously damaged. They are going through hard times and now that it's warm, they are trying to rebuild their homes from scratch. That ripoff artists have moved in to take advantage of them is truly sickening.

We've heard reports of all kinds of ripoffs. Some contractors have doubled or even tripled the amount they charge for repair work. That's a ripoff! Some insurance companies are refusing to pay for storm damage. That's a ripoff! There are businesses that have upped their prices on building materials. That's a ripoff! We've even heard complaints that some people claim to be  property inspectors from the government who need to be paid a fee to inspect the home - yet another ripoff.

This is disgusting. You don't rip off people who have gone through hard times. We hope all these ripoff artists go to jail.

We also pray that they don't now move to Oklahoma and start to target the victims of the massive tornado this week. That's another case of people who have gone through hard times through no fault of their own. They deserve kindness and support. They don't deserve to become ripoff victims.

There will always be ripoff artists who try to profit from tragedy. We don't know how they sleep at night, and hope that karma comes back and bites them in the ass.

In the meantime, we hope law enforcement will be on the lookout for ripoff schemes, and haul these ripoff artists into jail when they are caught.


Saturday, 18 May 2013

What To Review Before Buying A Home

Buying a home is a complex process. You can't rush it. Instead, you need to take your time and review the information at your disposal every step of the way. Otherwise, you could end up paying more for a home than you can afford - or get stuck with a money pit.

Here is the guide to what to review during the home buying process.

Review Tip #1 – Check your credit report. If there are any black marks or errors, you need to fix them so you can get a good rate.

Review Tip #2 – Figure out what you spend in a given month versus what your paycheck is. Then figure out how much you can really spend each month on the mortgage.

Review Tip #3 – Go to your bank and find out how much they will pre-approve you for on a mortgage. That way you know what you can afford when you are home shopping.

Review Tip #4 – Find a reliable real estate agent. Get one that has been in business a while and check their references.

Review Tip #5 – Use to get the details on every home you are interested in, and review the information carefully.

Review Tip #6 – Hire your own home inspector, not one suggested by your real estate agent.

Review Tip #7 - Hire an independent contractor to check out the roof, air conditioning and heating systems in the home.

Review Tip #8 – Hire a pest control expert to check for infestations.

Review Tip #9 – Check your mortgage details. Make sure it isn't an adjustable rate mortgage that will go sky high in a few months.

Review Tip #10 – Have your lawyer go through all documents and contracts to make sure that they are fair and legal. Reviews
If you follow all of these review tips you should have a smooth, hassle-free home buying experience. Read reviews on to see what others have to say! 

Thursday, 9 May 2013 Identifies Top Three Renter Complaints

When you rent an apartment to someone, the last thing you want to get from them is a complaint. Instead, you just want them to pay their rent on time and give you as little hassle as possible. understands that, and also knows that the best way to avoid a complaint is to minimize the chances of it happening in the first place. With that in mind, we wanted to talk about the top three things that lead renters to file a complaint and what you can do to avoid them.

Renter Complaint #1 – Bad smells. This is a very common complaint, and is usually the result of the neighbors. More often than not the tenants will file a complaint if they can smell the litter box or cigarette smoke from the people who live on the same floor as them. Having a no-pets and no-smoking policy in the building will eliminate this type of complaint, and allow you to evict the smelly people next door.

Renter Complaint #2 – Noisy neighbors. Nobody wants to live next door to people who have loud sex or blast music every night. People have a right to sleep. What you can do in this situation is talk to the neighbors yourself. If they don't quiet down, then you can file a complaint in court against them yourself and then let the police get them to quiet down.

Renter Complaint #3 – Temperature. If someone's apartment is too hot or too cold, you will get a complaint about it. To avoid getting a complaint in the winter, install new insulated windows, which will keep the apartment warmer. To avoid getting a complaint in the summer, install up to date air conditioners or, if you own the entire building, central air.

It doesn't take that much effort to avoid these top three renter complaints. And it's far easier to be a landlord who just collects rent than to have a renter hand you a complaint you have to resolve. So, put these ideas into place and you may never see a complaint again.

About provides property reports and other valuable information to home owners, buyers and sellers across North America.  With an extensive database of public records, consumers are able to look up the value, history and residential details on a home or property with a simple search. Visit to chat with a live representative, call 1-888-869-7539, or email with any questions or concerns.